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5 Ways to Support your Child’s Growth

By: Becky O'Haire | Published: May, 2023

As parents, we want our children to be healthy, and happy and to thrive in life. We want what is best for our kids! Part of that is ensuring they get the nutrition and support their bodies need to grow and reach their maximum potential. 

In this post, I’m going to share five easy ways that you can support your child’s growth on a daily basis. They can be easily incorporated into your routine and will form the foundation of a healthy lifestyle for your children because the healthy habits we learn as children, we bring into adulthood.

Proper Nutrition

Children’s bodies are rapidly developing, and they need a nutrient-dense diet to help them as they process the world around them. Without the right nutrients, children might struggle to develop the skills to maintain concentration, and achieve their height growth potential.

Nutrient-dense foods, such as fish, broccoli and berries are just a few foods that have been proven to improve cognitive functions and development. It is best to stay away from processed foods, including those containing refined sugar, colourings, and other artificial additives because they can negatively affect a child’s mind and development.

As a busy parent, it can be difficult to ensure that every meal is fully balanced and to ensure that all necessary nutrients are being received by your child. And sometimes the foods that we think are healthy for us may be missing key nutrients that contribute to height growth specifically.

Vitamins that are essential to support a child’s height development include:

  • Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Magnesium, L-Taurine, Riboflavin

  • Thiamin, Niacin, Folate, Copper, Chloride, Sodium

  • MCT, Inositol, Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B12

  • Zinc, Potassium, Protein, Phosphorus, Vitamin E

Because there are so many, you can use a high-quality supplement to ensure that your child receives all of the vitamins they need. TruHeight’s line of products includes vitamins for growth and supplements that support bone growth, bone density, sleep and stress reduction.

Nutritional deficiencies can prevent kids from growing to their optimal height. TruHeight designed their products from the ground up with experts to ensure your children are getting exactly what their bodies need to reach their maximum height potential.

Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential for a child’s development. For them to reach their full potential in growth, in mental, emotional and physical function, they need to have their sleep.

Over the long term, a person’s growth may be affected by not getting the full amount of sleep. That’s because growth hormone is normally released during sleep. If someone consistently gets too little sleep, the growth hormone is suppressed. Lack of sleep also can affect other hormones as well.

This chart from Kids Health gives a good guideline of how many hours children need to sleep:

  • Infants (4–12 months): 12–16 hours, including naps

  • Toddlers (1–2 years): 11–14 hours including naps

  • Preschool (3–5 years): 10–13 hours including naps

  • School-age (6–13 years): 9–12 hours

  • Teens (14–17 years): 8–10 hours

Loving and Supportive Home Environment

Children thrive when they are in a calm and safe space. Having a home where they are positively supported and loved is essential to their development.


There are many ways to foster this type of positive environment including:

  • Reading to your child

  • Speaking about your child’s emotions, needs and fears

  • Being open and honest with your child

  • Play games together

  • Make eye contact with your child when they are speaking

  • Make time each day to give them your focus and love

  • Showing warmth and sensitivity

  • Having healthy routines and household rules

  • Sharing books and talking with children

  • Support their health and safety

  • Using appropriate discipline without harshness


In the age of technology, it can be easy to allow children to spend their days on tablets or other devices. But it is essential for children to have exercise every day. The CDC recommends a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity each day.

The daily 60 minutes of activities can include things like walking, running, or anything that makes their hearts beat faster. At least 3 days a week should include vigorous-intensity activities.

On a scale of 0 to 10, where sitting is a 0 and the highest level of activity is a 10, moderate-intensity activity is a 5 or 6. Vigorous-intensity activity is a level 7 or 8. These activities get their hearts pumping and lungs working harder.

For example, walking to school would be a moderate-intensity activity. And when children run or chase others while playing tag during recess, they’re probably doing vigorous-intensity activity.

Positive Parental Example

Something we can forget as parents is that our children learn most from our example. So if we are saying one thing to them to do but we don’t do it ourselves, they will most likely copy what we do rather than what we say. That’s why it is so important to say what we mean and mean what we say.

So setting a positive example of eating healthy, exercising, getting sleep, being kind and patient and so on is critical. Our children will copy how we behave. So by looking after ourselves in the best way, we are encouraging our children to look after themselves as well.

There you have it. Five ways to support your child’s growth. Let me know if you have other ways that you support your children’s growth in the comments. And for more information on growth-supporting supplements, you can check out

I am Becky O’Haire – healer, teacher, mother, and lifestyle blogger. I am the creator and author at

Originally from NY, I now live in the beautiful West of Ireland in County Mayo, with my husband, three kids and our sheepdog.

I create beautiful gemstone jewellery and offer energetic services. I work with my clients to help them to step onto their soul path by clearing blockages and patterns from their energy fields to support them on their path to self-empowerment and sovereignty.

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